DirtBike School Mixed Group CRE Course
Sun, Mar 05
|DirtBike School. PA, 19362
The Closed Range Exercises (CRE) course was created by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to provide hands-on rider training with an emphasis on safety and skill development. New riders, or others who want to improve their riding skills, will benefit from the CRE course taught by Instructor.

Time & Location
Mar 05, 2023, 9:30 AM
DirtBike School. PA, 19362, 265 Fremont Rd, Nottingham, PA 19362, USA
About the event
Please Read Frequent Asked Question Before Purhasing a Ticket
Bike use is include with the training.
Closed Range Exercises
The Closed Range Exercise (CRE) course was created to provide hands on riding training with emphasis on safety and skill development. New riders, or others who want to improve their riding skill, will benefit from the (CRE) course thoughtby us certified MSF DirtBike school Coaches. During the school, students learn basic techniques for safely ridding off-highway motorcycles.
- 1 Class Welcome/Introduction
- Introduction of coaches and other students
- Importance of personal protective gear
- Proper motorcycle setup
- Pre-ride inspection
- 2 Range Signals, Rules and Warm-up Exercises
- Know the range signals
- Rules of riding on the range
- Warm up and stretching
- 3 Controls
- Proper use of protective gear
- Correct mounting and dismounting procedure
- Correct posture
- Proper operation of controls
- 4 Engine Start/Stop
- Use of FINE-C procedure to start the engine
- Proper shutdown procedure
- 5 Moving the Motorcycle
- Accurate clutch/throttle usage
- Control of the motorcycle
- Smooth motion while starting and stopping
- Head and eyes up, looking ahead
- Knees in against tank
- Smooth brake application
- 6 Starting/Stopping Drill
- Smooth, controlled starts, using friction zone
- Controlled, accurate stops, using both brakes
- 7 Riding Posture
- Proper foot placement
- Correct standing posture
- Eyes and head up
- Smooth clutch and throttle control
- Maintain control of motorcycle
- 8 Shifting
- Use proper procedures and techniques when shifting
- Coordinate clutch and throttle control
- Match engine speed with motorcycle speed
- Ease clutch out smoothly for downshifting
- 9 Lower Body Control
- Correct riding posture
- Steady, smooth throttle
- Look ahead
- Initiate turn using lower body
- Maintain adequate following distance
- 10 Turning
- Correct riding posture
- Slow prior to turning
- Look through the turn
- Lean motorcycle into turn
- Maintain adequate following distance
- 11 Riding Management
- Discussion Lesson - No Riding
- State causes of motorcycle mishaps
- Name a strategy to help manage risk
- Identify terrain variables that influence decisions
- 12 Turning and Gap Selection
- Correct riding posture
- Look through turns
- Proper weight shift
- Smooth throttle control
- Smooth shifts
- Maintain safe following distance
- Use SEE strategy to reduce risks
- 13 Counterbalancing
- Proper standing rider posture
- Look ahead
- Lean motorcycle in the direction of turn
- Weight outside footpeg
- Upper body positioned on outside of turn
- Use clutch/throttle to maintain directional control
- 14 Riding over Obstacles
- Approach obstacle close to 90 degrees
- Slow before obstacle
- Stand on footpegs with knees and elbows bent
- Unweight the front end as front wheel reaches obstacle
- 15 K-Turn
- Perform K-Turn when you have lost momentum going up a hill
- 16 U-Turns
- Ride up, turn around and ride down a hill
- 17 Traversing Hills
- Use the correct technique to ride across a hill
- 18 Riding Responsibly
- Discussion Lesson - No Riding Name positive and responsible riding behaviors
- Name laws that apply in your area
- 19 Post-Ride Check/Dismissal Understanding steps to be covered in post-ride check
- Class dismissal
DirtBike School CRE
Closed Range Exercise Training Dirt Bike, What is included: training, dirt bike, and Off-road (CRE) completion card. Please Read Frequent Asked Question Before Purhasing a Ticket.
$250.00Tax: +$15.00 Tax+$6.63 ticket service feeSale ended